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Resume - PDF
Skills & Experience Gained at SBU

These are just a few of the things that I have been able to learn in life and college.


-Microsoft Office Suite
-Adobe InDesign & Illustrator
-Works Well in Teams
-Creative Thinker
-Problem Solver
-Effective & Efficient Communicator

Experienced Gained at SBU

-Create and Give Presentations (24 throughout          my time at SBU)

-Run an Entire Simulated Company (Strategically      make decisions and run an online company)

-Properly Manage and Coordinate a Team Given      to Me

Work Experience
Marketing Intern

January 2017 - May 2017

-Write and rewrite press-releases

-Aide in all marketing efforts for all            CMH’s many different clinics (over 50)

-Using the Adobe Creative Suite,              create different marketing materials      used by CMH

-Aide in the creation of a recruitment        video

-Calculated survey results

Media & Marketing Coordinator

January 2015 - May 2017

-Run all social media for the University      Activities Council

-Market all major and minor events to      the students and staff (125 events to      date)

-Create all posters and promotions for      the events (60 posters to date)

-Communicate with the entire student      body about what is happening on          campus

IT Student Worker

October 2013 - May 2017

-Solve and fix miscellaneous                      technology problems around the            campus

-Install computers for the faculty and        staff

-Connect network ports online and get    them functional

Marketing and Sports Marketing

Southwest Baptist University

Bolivar, Missouri

Graduation: May 2017

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